Cookie Policy
Dear Visitor (hereinafter, “You” or the ”User“),
this website ( (hereinafter, the “Website“) is owned by the company VENINI S.p.A. with registered office in 30141 Murano (Venice), Fondamenta Vetrai n. 50, Tax Code/VAT no. 00577980279 (hereinafter, “Controller”), (hereinafter, “We” or the “Company”).
This policy notice seeks to explain what “cookies” are and how they are used on the Website.
Some cookies (so-called first-party cookies) are transmitted and controlled directly by us. Through these cookies, the Company collects and processes certain personal data about you. This policy statement, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196 of June 30, 2003 (the “Privacy Code“) and pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (the “Regulation“), explains how we collect this data, for what purposes, and what your rights are.
Other cookies (so-called third-party cookies), on the other hand, are transmitted and controlled by third parties. This statement includes links to the privacy policies published by these third parties, which we kindly ask you to read carefully.
What are cookies and what are they for?
Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send directly to the user’s terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored and then sent back to the same websites the next time the user visits them again (first-party cookies). While browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies from different websites or web servers (third-party cookies) on the terminal; this is because the website may contain elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, these cookies are set up by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.
Cookies can also have a limited duration of one single browsing session on the browser (so-called session cookies), and in this case they are automatically disabled when the user closes the browser; or they can have a pre-set expiry date which means they will remain stored and active on your hard disk until that expiry date is reached, and will continue collecting information during different browsing sessions on the browser (so-called permanent cookies).
Cookies are used for various functions. Some cookies are necessary to allow you to browse the Website and use all its features (so-called technical cookies). Others are used to obtain statistical information, aggregated or not, on the number of users accessing the Website and on how they use the Website (so-called monitoring cookies or analytics). And, finally, other cookies are used to trace your consumer profile and allow you to view advertisements on the Website that may be interesting to you, as they are consistent with your preferences and consumption habits (so-called profiling cookies).
To learn more about these different categories of cookies continue to read this notice. Find out how they work and what they are for, and choose freely whether to consent to their use or deny your consent.
Technical cookies
Technical cookies are used on the Website for the sole purpose of making it possible for you to browse the Website and allow you to use all its functions. They are always first-party cookies, as we transmit them directly on the Website.
Some technical cookies are essential to provide you with an ideal browsing experience or to allow you to authenticate yourself on the website, for instance to make a purchase on the Website or access your personal area (so-called HTTP cookies). HTTP cookies are usually session cookies and, therefore, once you close your browser, they are automatically disabled.
Other technical cookies are useful to allow you to store some of your preferences (for example, the language or country of origin) without having to reset them during subsequent visits (so-called functionality cookies). For this reason, functionality cookies are often persistent cookies, as they remain stored on your computer even after you close your browser, until they expire or until you decide to delete them.
The following technical cookies are currently used on the Site:
Name of the Cookie Type of Cookie Description
form_key Magento technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Random keys generated to prevent illicit requests
X-Magento-Vary Magento technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Facilitate content caching to improve page loading speed
mage-messages Magento Technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Provide feedback messages to the user (confirmation, error, etc.)
mage-translation-file-version Magento technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Facilitate translation of content into other languages
PHPSESSID Magento session and technical cookies – checkout process and user dashboard User ID during session
recently_compared_product_previous Magento technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Recently compared products
recently_compared_product_previous Magento technical and session cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Recently viewed products
store Magento session and technical cookies – checkout process and user dashboard Store view ID
Pursuant to the current privacy legislation, the installation of these cookies does not require your prior consent. Of course you are free to block the installation of technical cookies by changing your browser settings (read the “How to manage, disable and delete cookies” section to learn how to do so). However, please note that by blocking the installation of technical cookies, or subsequently deleting them, the ability to access, use all or part of the Website, enable or disable certain functions or receive certain services may be fully or partially compromised.
Monitoring cookies or “analytics”
Analytics cookies are used on the Website to obtain statistical information, aggregated or not, on the number of users accessing the Website and on how they use the Website.
The analytics cookies used on this Website are third-party cookies, as they are not directly transmitted by us but by third parties and are not installed directly by the Company but by third parties.
The following third-party cookie analytics are installed on the Website without your prior consent, because they are less invasive as they are anonymized, which means that third parties cannot access disaggregated analytics data at the IP address level (in other words, by using these cookies, third parties cannot trace your identity):
Name of the Cookie Type Link to the privacy notice/opt-out instructions
Google Analytics – third-party analytics cookies
– permanent
Other third-party analytics cookies, on the other hand, are installed on the Website only with your prior consent, because they are not anonymized, which means that third parties can access disaggregated analytics data at the IP address level (in other words, by using these cookies, third parties could theoretically trace your identity through your IP address):
For this reason, when you access the Website, a special banner is clearly displayed informing you that (i) third-party analytics cookies are used on the Website and that (ii) by closing the banner, scrolling the home page, or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you give your consent to the use of these cookies. If you express your consent to install these cookies, we will keep track of your consent through a special technical cookie. In this manner, the banner concerning these cookies will not be displayed during your subsequent visits to the Website. Please note that if you delete this technical cookie from your browser as described in the following “How to manage, disable and delete cookies” section, we will not be able to keep track of your consent and, therefore, during your next visit to the Website, the cookie banner will be displayed again.
Naturally, you are free to block the installation of analytics cookies at any time. This choice will not compromise your possibility to visit the Website and enjoy its contents in any way. To learn how to do this, please read the third parties’ cookie policies carefully by following the links in the table above.
Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are used to create your user profile, based on the preferences and likings you express while browsing the Internet, and to display advertising messages that are consistent with your profile. In this way, the advertising messages that will appear on our Website will be more interesting for you.
Pursuant to the current privacy legislation, the installation of these cookies requires your prior consent. For this reason, when you access the Website, a special banner is clearly displayed informing you that (i) third-party profiling cookies are used on the Website and that (ii) by closing the banner, scrolling the home page, or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you give your consent to the use of these cookies. If you express your consent to install these cookies, we will keep track of your consent through a special technical cookie. In this manner, the banner concerning these cookies will not be displayed during your subsequent visits to the Website. Please note that if you delete this technical cookie from your browser as described in the following “How to manage, disable and delete cookies” section, we will not be able to keep track of your consent and, therefore, during your next visit to the Website, the cookie banner will be displayed again.
Naturally, you are free to block the installation of profiling cookies at any time. This choice will not compromise your possibility to visit the Website and enjoy its contents in any way. If you decide to disable behavioural advertising, this does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising on the Website. However, the banners that will appear on the Website may not reflect your interests or preferences in the browser you are currently using.
Some profiling cookies are installed directly by the Company (first-party profiling cookies). These cookies are permanent and have a maximum duration of 12 months. Below is a list of the first-party profiling cookies used on the Website, with instructions about how you can object to their installation.
To disable these profiling cookies, change your browser settings (see the “How to manage, disable and delete cookies” section). If you use the interactive button to block first-party profiling cookies, you will still receive a technical cookie to store your preference. Please note that by deleting all cookies from your browser, this technical cookie may also be removed, and you may need to express once again your choice to block these cookies by using the interactive button on this policy notice.
Most profiling cookies, on the other hand, are installed by third parties, who act as independent data controllers (third-party cookies). Here is a list of third-party profiling cookies currently used on the Website, complete with the links to the information pages created by their developers:
Some third-party cookies are installed by parties with whom we do not have a direct contractual relationship. For this reason, below we provide links to the websites of any entities acting as intermediaries between us and these third parties, on which you can find (i) a list of third parties that install profiling cookies on the Website and (ii) links to the privacy policies of these third parties, where you can obtain all the necessary information about their profiling cookies and how to object to their installation (opt-out).
Name of the Cookie Type Link to the privacy notice
Google Doubleclick – profiling cookies/Adserving
Facebook – third-party profiling cookies
Google Adwords – third-party profiling cookies
– third-party profiling cookies
How to manage cookies and object to their use
How to manage, disable and delete cookies.
(1) Change your browser settings
Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the browser you are using to find out how to manage, disable or delete all cookies (technical, analytics and profiling):
Make your choices carefully. By indiscriminately blocking the receipt of all cookies, including technical cookies, without specifically indicating an exception for this Website, you may no longer be able to browse the Website or use all or part of its features. In addition, deleting all cookies from your browser may also remove technical cookies and, therefore, you may remove the preferences you have set as you were using this Website or no longer find the products or services in your shopping cart.
(2) Use our interactive tools or the tools provided by third parties
To disable first-party profiling cookies, i.e. cookies that are installed directly by us, you can simply follow the instructions in the “Profiling cookies” section of this policy statement. Your choice to object to the use of these cookies will have no effect on your ability to browse the Website and use its features. You are free to revoke such choice at any time by using the same interactive button.
To disable third-party cookies, please read the privacy policies of third parties who install analytics or profiling cookies to learn about the other tools made available to manage, disable and delete cookies, and, generally, to object to their use. Remember that by disabling third-party cookies, (i) you object to their use not only on this Website but on all websites where these cookies are used and (ii) your ability to browse the Website and use its features will not be affected in any way. When you disable third-party cookies, you will still see the banner on the home page of the Website the cookies refer to. However, in this case, by closing the banner, scrolling the home page or clicking any element of the home page outside the banner, you will not receive any third-party cookies that you have successfully disabled.
(3) Use the website
Your Online Choices is a website managed by the non-profit European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), the Italian version of which is available at, which provides information on behavioural advertising based on profiling cookies ( and allows Internet users to easily oppose (opt-out) the installation of the main profiling cookies installed by advertisers and used on websites Before using this tool, we recommend that you carefully read the general terms and conditions of service of Your Online Choices (, the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ( and the user’s guide (
Use Your Online Choices knowingly. Although Your Online Choices brings together many of the world’s leading advertising companies that use cookies, some of the third parties who install cookies through the Website may not have joined Your Online Choices. Therefore, the use of Your Online Choices does not guarantee that you will receive third-party cookies while browsing the Website. Also, remember that if you delete all cookies from your browser, even technical cookies issued by Your Online Choices to remember your preferences may be deleted, thus making third-party cookies active again.
Further information
As pointed out in the introduction to this policy, the Company collects and processes some of your personal data through the cookies it places directly on the Website (first-party cookies). The Company acts as the data controller of this data, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code. We will only process your data by electronic means, in a fully automated manner and without human intermediation. Therefore, our employees and contractors will never access data which has been obtained through cookies and which can directly identify you. Some of our employees and contractors, which we have appointed as data processors, may carry out maintenance work on the computer systems that host your data, without ever being able to access its actual content. Your personal data may be stored on servers managed by third parties (e.g. suppliers of IT systems) or may be managed by individuals specializing in online advertising, who act as external data processors on the basis of a written appointment by this Company. We inform you that, in compliance with the conditions and guarantees established by law, your data may be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area, which may not offer a level of privacy and personal data protection comparable to that guaranteed by Italian and European laws on privacy. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third party data controllers nor made public.
Your rights
Pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, no. 196, you have the right to obtain confirmation of the possible existence of personal data concerning you and to know its content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, as well as its correction, at any time (art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003). You also have the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of any data processed unlawfully, and in any case to object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons. Finally, you have the right to obtain a list of the external data processors appointed by the Company. To exercise your rights, or to obtain any further information or clarification regarding this statement, please contact the Company by registered mail at 30141 Murano (Venice), Fondamenta Vetrai n. 50, Italy, or by email at via fax at (+39) 041/2737223.
The Data Controller is not responsible for updating all the links that appear in this policy statement, therefore whenever a link is not working and/or updated, the Users acknowledge and accept that they must always refer to the document and/or section of the websites these links refer to.
This Website uses so-called “technical” Cookies and other similar Trackers to carry out activities that are strictly necessary for the operation or delivery of the Service.
This Website uses Trackers to measure traffic and analyze User behavior with the goal of improving the Service.
The services contained in this section enable the Owner to monitor and analyze web traffic and can be used to keep track of User behavior.
Google Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited that connects data from the Google Ads advertising network with actions performed on this Website.
Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy.
Storage duration:
- IDE: 2 years
- test_cookie: 15 minutes
Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”). Google utilizes the Data collected to track and examine the use of this Website, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services.
Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
Storage duration:
- AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour
- __utma: 2 years
- __utmb: 30 minutes
- __utmc: duration of the session
- __utmt: 10 minutes
- __utmv: 2 years
- __utmz: 7 months
- _ga: 2 years
- _gac*: 3 months
- _gat: 1 minute
- _gid: 1 day
This Website uses Trackers to deliver personalized marketing content based on User behavior and to operate, serve and track ads.
This type of service allows User Data to be utilized for advertising communication purposes. These communications are displayed in the form of banners and other advertisements on this Website, possibly based on User interests.
This does not mean that all Personal Data are used for this purpose. Information and conditions of use are shown below.
Some of the services listed below may use Trackers to identify Users or they may use the behavioral retargeting technique, i.e. displaying ads tailored to the User’s interests and behavior, including those detected outside this Website. For more information, please check the privacy policies of the relevant services.
Services of this kind usually offer the possibility to opt out of such tracking. In addition to any opt-out feature offered by any of the services below, Users may learn more on how to generally opt out of interest-based advertising within the dedicated section “How to opt-out of interest-based advertising” in this document.
Facebook Lookalike Audience is an advertising and behavioral targeting service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited that uses Data collected through Facebook Custom Audience in order to display ads to Users with similar behavior to Users who are already in a Custom Audience list on the base of their past use of this Website or engagement with relevant content across the Facebook apps and services.
On the base of these Data, personalized ads will be shown to Users suggested by Facebook Lookalike Audience.
Users can opt out of Facebook’s use of Trackers for ads personalization by visiting this opt-out page.
Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
Storage duration:
- _fbp: 3 months
Similar audiences is an advertising and behavioral targeting service provided by Google Ireland Limited that uses Data from Google Ads Remarketing in order to display ads to Users with similar behavior to Users who are already on the remarketing list due to their past use of this Website.
On the basis of this Data, personalized ads will be shown to Users suggested by Google Ads Similar audiences.
Users who don’t want to be included in Similar audiences can opt out and disable the use of advertising Trackers by going to: Google Ad Settings.
In order to understand Google’s use of Data, consult Google’s partner policy.
Personal Data processed: Tracker and Usage Data.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
Storage duration: up to 2 years
This type of service allows this Website and its partners to inform, optimize and serve advertising based on past use of this Website by the User.
This activity is facilitated by tracking Usage Data and by using Trackers to collect information which is then transferred to the partners that manage the remarketing and behavioral targeting activity.
Some services offer a remarketing option based on email address lists.
Services of this kind usually offer the possibility to opt out of such tracking. In addition to any opt-out feature offered by any of the services below, Users may learn more on how to generally opt out of interest-based advertising within the dedicated section “How to opt-out of interest-based advertising” in this document.
Facebook Custom Audience is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited that connects the activity of this Website with the Facebook advertising network.
Users can opt out of Facebook’s use of Trackers for ads personalization by visiting this opt-out page.
Personal Data processed: email address and Tracker.
Place of processing: Ireland – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
Storage duration:
- _fbp: 3 months